James Cameron on Titanic sub disaster: “One wreck lying next to the other for the same damn reason“

Movie director and submersible maker James Cameron says he was struck by the similarities of both the Titanic and Titan tragedies, which were both preceded by unheeded warnings. “The captain [of the Titanic] was warned, there were icebergs ahead, it was a moonless night and he plowed ahead, for whatever reason. I think there was some greed, there was some glory in here we are again. And at the same place, you know, now there’s one wreck lying next to the other wreck, for the same damn reason.“ He also said he wishes he had sounded the alarm earlier about the OceanGate submersible Titan that imploded during an expedition to the Titanic wreckage, saying he had found the hull design risky, which was made of a composite carbon fibre and titanium hull. “I thought it was a horrible idea. I wish I’d spoken up, but I assumed somebody was smarter than me, you know, because I never experimented with that technology, but it just sounded bad on its face,“ Cameron
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