J.S. Bach - Mass in B minor (H) BWV 232 - Part II - 03 Duet: “Et in unum Dominum“ (Synthesized)

One more part of the Missa. I have been working on this piece for an embarrassing length of time, partly because I have been very busy with other aspects of my life, partly because I have tried to make the best use of the feedback that I received from you, my listeners - a small but helpful group of enthusiasts like me. Am I happy with the results? Honestly no, I feel like I could continue working and perhaps achieve a little more polish, but I am also afraid that I have passed the peak, and if I continue fiddling with it I will get to something that is actually worse. One detail about this duet, which became obvious when I started studying it and is perhaps noticeable via the graphic realisation of the video, is that there are large sections of it that are transposed canons, i.e. one of the two voices is singing a pattern similar or identical to the other part, but delayed and transposed. Photo by Krivec Ales on
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