Looking to Obtain the: “Visa de Profesional Independiente“ in Colombia? 🇨🇴📜🌟

According to Article 76 of Resolution #5477 of 2022, if you are a foreign professional who aspires to live in Colombia and practice your profession independently, you may apply for the Colombian Independent Professional Visa. This visa allows you to reside legally in Colombia for up to three years, with the possibility of renewal. Who Can Apply for This Visa? In general, any foreign professional may apply for this visa. If your profession is regulated, such as law, engineering, accounting, medicine, among others, you must obtain the validation of your degree and the Professional Card, license, or authorization from the corresponding professional association. If your profession is not regulated, you must demonstrate that it is of interest to the country. Specific Requirements for the Colombian Independent Professional Visa: Letter indicating the occupation or activity you intend to practice in the country in the exercise of your profession. Copy of the validation of your degree b
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