Iron Front: Liberation 1944 PC Gameplay HD

-- Review -- Iron Front: Liberation 1944, game developed by X1 Software and published by Deep Silver. It is made on the same engine as ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead. It is an authentic WWII FPS that falls into the category of “simulator“, or at least.. it try’s to be a “simulator“. Let’s get the Single Player campaign out of the way: It is absolutely , that’s not completely accurate. What I played of it was terrible. The reason I played only part of the campaigns is that I literally was not able to complete objectives and progress. I started with the German side because, let’s face it, it’s not every day that you get to roleplay as a Nazi. I loaded up the campaign and began the basic training/tutorial section. I Had some hard time completing this, and i was just started.. o, I finally got past Basic Training and began the real mission. I arrived at a meeting spot and the mission briefing says to prepare for an imminent attack. The only problem is that the attack never comes. There is no feedback saying what you are supposed to do to trigger this event, so I ended up driving from one end to the other in this big empty map only to find no enemies. When i found them, i was suprised how bad the AI was, you can shoot at them and they just watch you and don’t do nothing! Graphics are ok/good, some things are in perfect details and others are half-done, but all still full off buggs.. As if the technical issues weren’t enough, it becomes immediately clear when you begin a real mission that Iron Front is completely overwhelmed with feature creep. All sorts of small arms are, ostensibly, realistically modeled, along with vehicles, heavy weapons, airplanes, you name it. But the game tries to cram realistic performance for all of these things into its limited controls, creating a morass of impenetrable key bindings that are impossible to memorize and even harder to implement when someone is shooting at you ATM there are some patches out that fix many problems, but still not all. it comes down to this; give Iron Front six months to a year to patch some of the more glaring flaws and grow its player-base and it might turn out to be a half-decent military simulator. Screenshots of Iron Front: Liberation 1944 looked promising, but to be honest the game is poor, even when some guys call it “ different & good simulation “ All games are TM and © their respective publishers and/or developers. All game footage is used for promotinal purposes to promote/review the game/games featured All original content belongs to developers.
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