Unlock Student Engagement with this Super Fun Vocab Flashcard Game!

This vocabulary game with flashcards is super easy and great for large classes. Try this game for an engaging way to organize vocabuary revision! The Switch Game is a fun and easy way to revise vocabulary with kindergarteners and primary school children, and it’s a great way to engage all of your students in vocabulary learning! Large classes can be difficult to manage, but with this vocabulary game, students will be engaged and learning quickly! This game is perfect for use in kindergarten, elementary school, or middle school. Everyone in your class will have fun playing this easy and fun vocab game! Download Jenny’s e-books with ESL games and teaching tips here: If you want to keep in touch with me for more ESL teaching tips and just be friends, follow me on Social! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #studentengagement #vocabularygames #kindergartengames #flashcards_for_kids
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