10 Minute Isometric Core Workout | No Equipment

Subscribe to my YouTube Fitness Channel here: Isometric core workout | 10 minutes at home Hello everyone! Isometrics is simply a term for a muscle holding its contraction and is neither lengthening or shortening. I love changing my training up and incorporate isometrics into nearly every movement in some form from hip thrusts to chest press to shoulder press! This video is based on same technique and applied to core exercises. The hold of each exercise is performed for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds to get into position for next hold. One round will bring you up to 10 minutes in total. The exercises are as follows: 1. hollow 2. Crunch 3. Toe reach 4. V sit 5. Boat 6. On forearms leg lower 7. Wiper 8. Wiper 9. Side plank 10. Side plank 11. Top position of push-up 12. Bottom position of push-up 13. Long lever plank 14. Plank
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