Throwing: Is It Cricket? (1960)

This is a duplicate copy of item - check for best quality. London. GV. Cricket in progress at Lords Cricket Ground. SV. Members watching from the pavilion. SV. Interior the Long Room at Lords. SV. Sir Donald Bradman leading the Australian team onto the pitch at Lords. CU. Newspaper reading “Stop Bodyline Or We Stop Tests“. GV. Cricket in progress. GV. Larwood bowling his bodyline to Bradman, the ball hits him. LV. Larwood running up to bowl again. LV. Bradman about to play a stroke but he has to duck to get out of the way of the ball. GV. Larwood bowling, again the ball hits Bradman and he begins to walk away from the wicket. LV. Players gathering around Bradman. GV. Cricketer Alfred Gover’s cricket school, Alec Bedser is walking back with the ball, prior to bowling to his brother Eric. Alec runs up to bowl. SV. Eric plays a stroke. SV. Alec running up to bowl again displaying his straight arm action. SV. Eric playing a forward stroke. SV. Alf Gover and Alec Bedser together (natural soun
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