Neuroanatomy : The Human Brain

For more information : For the specific article about the brain : Please : Like, comment, share, subscribe, comment on the web specific page, and you can contribute by either correcting the missing English translations, or translate some articles to a language you master, I can make videos with your sound recordings and credit you for that :). The human forebrain is made of two hemispheres almost symmetrical, left and right. And a diencephalon, a medial and single part that includes the thalamus and the hypothalamus. The two cerebral hemispheres are connected by commissural pathways, the biggest is the corpus callosum with more than 200 million fibers crossing from one side to the other. Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into two distinct regions: a peripheral part, the cortex “gray matter“ containing the bodies of nerve cells, and a central part, made of white matter that contains axonal ext
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