T-60 - Soviet light tank of the Second World War T-60 - 第二次世界大战的苏联轻型坦克。T-60-第二次世界大戦のソビエト軽戦車。 2차 세계 대
T-60 - Soviet light tank of the period of World War II. Developed in August 1941 at the Moscow Plant No. 37 under the leadership of Nikolay Alexandrovich Astrov, the leading developer of the entire domestic line of light tanks of that period. In September of the same year, T-60 was adopted by the workers’ and peasant Red Army and serially produced on several machine-building factories. The production of T-60 continued until February 1943, when it was replaced by the assembly lines with a more powerful light tank T-70. In total, 5720 light T-60 tanks were released, which took an active part in the fights of the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1943. A small number of T-60 survived in battles was used as scout tanks, tractors, training vehicles up to the end of the war. The tank released also includes the chassis transferred to the installation of BM-8-24 class of zooms of salvo fire. Shortly after the end of the war, the T-60 was removed from the armament of the Soviet Army, so far six such tanks have been preserved in the museums of Russia and Finland.
T-60 had a typical layout scheme for Soviet light tanks of that time. The tank had five offices listed below in order from the frontal part of the car to the stern:
• transmission compartment;
• Department of Management;
• Motor compartment on the right side of the middle of the case;
• combat department on the left side of the middle of the corps and in the tower;
• Feed compartment, where fuel tanks and the engine radiator were located.
The armor case of the construction tank of the engineer A. V. Bogacheva was welded from rolled armor plates with a thickness of 10 to 35 mm. Later release cars were protected by thicker armor compared to the early serial samples T-60.
The main weapons of the T-60 was the cutting automatic gun of the TNS (TNS-1) of a 20 mm caliber. The gun was mounted on pin in the tower, in addition to the mask, his trunk was additionally protected by armored casing.
The gun ammunition was 750 shots of unitary charge. For automatic power, the shells cannon were placed in a tape with 58 shots and 58 connector links. This tape laid into a box that was installed on the bracket under the gun. Another 12 boxes were on racks inside the combat branch of the tank. When running fire, shooting sleeves were thrown out from the tank, and the spent links of the tape on the guide went on the bottom of the tank.
The T-60 was equipped with a four-stroke row six-cylinder carburetor engine of gas-202 liquid cooling. GAZ-202 was deformed up to 70 liters. With. (51.5 kW) Tank Version of the automotive engine GAZ-11 with a capacity of 85 liters. With. The reduction in capacity has pursued the goal of increasing the reliability of work and increase the motor resource [8].
The presented tank was raised on May 1, 2011 from the bottom of the dried river in the Volgograd region. For 2 years, damaged armored vehicles were restored at the Volgograd plant of special engineering. On July 26, 2013, T-60 tank took an honorable place on the square in front of the Stalingrad Battle Museum.
T-60 - 第二次世界大战时期的苏联轻型坦克。 1941年8月在Nikolay Alexandrovich Astrov领导下的37号莫斯科工厂,该期间的整个国内小坦克的领先开发商。同年9月,T-60由工人和农民红军采用,并在几种机器建筑工厂进行连续生产。 T-60的生产持续至1943年2月,当其被装配线取代时,具有更强大的轻型箱T-70。总共释放了5720个轻型T-60坦克,这在1941年至1943年的伟大爱国战争的斗争中积极参与。少数T-60在战斗中幸存下来用作侦察罐,拖拉机,训练车辆直到战争结束。坦克还发布的底盘还包括转移到安装BM-8-24级别的Salvo火灾级别的底盘。战争结束后不久,T-60被从苏联军队的武器中取出,到目前为止,六个这样的坦克已经保存在俄罗斯和芬兰的博物馆。
T-60配备有四冲程排六缸化油器发动机气体 - 202液体冷却。 GAZ-202变形高达70升。和。 (51.5 kW)汽车发动机GAZ-11的坦克版,容量为8
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