2024 Organize online events, periodic or temporary, controlled and set with the user’s internal time clock. Waiting for the temporary event REVIEW & RETROSPECTIVES 2023 Soon online !!! The temporary advent: .... , 2024 AI PERSPECTIVES PRACTICAL ISSUES AND CHALLENGES For the computer to one day be truly useful to humans, it would be much more important and judicious for a large part of the development of AI to be devoted to the production of flexible systems, which can then communicate directly with humans, to record, provide or gather elements of knowledge... online !!! Learn more See a video demonstration. Follow the projects: Via community tools or not, to be able to contribute to carry out its projects, such, website, blogs, social networks (Facebook and Google and VK), and video channels, You tube, Vimeo and Dailymotion, Brainwave-JCP (aka Joel Caserus), already available and online: How to support projects: Supporting projects of Brainwave-JCP.
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