Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of the hormone testosterone, which is naturally produced in the body. They are used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength, and to enhance physical performance. Anabolic steroids are also used in medical settings to treat conditions such as delayed puberty, muscle wasting diseases, and osteoporosis. The benefits of anabolic steroids include increased muscle mass, strength, and endurance. They also improve the body’s ability to recover from intense workouts, reducing the risk of injury and allowing for more frequent and intense training. In medical settings, anabolic steroids can help promote bone growth, stimulate appetite, and treat conditions such as breast cancer and anemia. However, there are also significant risks associated with anabolic steroid use. Long-term use can lead to a range of negative health effects, including liver damage, kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, and infertility. Anabolic steroids can also cause a
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