This PC CAN run Windows 11

Hello, my friends! Let’s hit 10000 likes? Check out my website! Today I am going to show you how to make stubborn Windows 11 run on older hardware. Many people on my stream complained about their PC being unable to run Windows 11, but that’s incorrect. It’s just an installer quirk and can be easily disregarded and skipped. To run the command prompt, press Shift F10. Links: Download Windows 11 - Password: mysubsarethebest Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:25 - Assumptions 0:53 - BIOS setting 1:03 - The workaround 1:41 - Manual deployment 3:19 - Results 5:34 - Outro Still have any questions? Send them to realendermanch@! Wish you to have a great day! #endermanch #experiments #windows
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