Top 10 GREATEST Amon Amarth Riffs - Guitar Medley

Hi guys! Here is the 10 most brutal and melodic Amon Amarth riffs of all time. (Based on global opinion and with some of my personal favorites) Hope you enjoy! It was VERY hard to choose only 10 of their riffs since they are all so great, so there will certainly be some of your favorite that will not be here but hey i would have to do a top 50 with Amon Amarth to cover all their best riffs! Guitar medley des meilleurs riffs d’Amon Amarth en fonction de leur popularité et de mes préférés. Thousand Years of Oppression par exemple est une de ces musiques magnifiques mais qui n’a pas la reconnaissance qu’elle devrait avoir (selon moi) donc je l’ai mis en “bonus“ à la fin. Bref enjoy!
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