Leonard Snart/Captain Cold | Believer

HD please :) Subtitles will be available in a few minutes! I know you’re all probably bored with this song but I couldn’t help myself and I thought it was fitting Leonard’s story. It actually took me a pretty long time to finish this video, about two months I think. I had a hard time choosing what rhythm I should use and whether or not I should put lots of effects or keep it simple. But that’s what makes vidding so interesting, not a single video is edited the same way. Now onto more important things: WHEN IS LEONARD SNART COMING BACK TO LIFE??? And for real I mean. I’ve re-watched the 1st season of Lot and I found it to be not so great except when Len, Mick, Sara were on screen (and maybe Jax when he was given an actual storyline lmao) (Also, Wentworth Miller is so fucking hot I refuse to believe he is 45 like what????) Anyway I think that’s it, I hope you’ll enjoy the video. Feedback is very much appreciated, as usual ;) Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons Character: Captain Cold / Leonard Snart from Lege
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