The Best 20m Double-Seater? HpH TwinShark Glider Review

Great handling on the ground and in the air, good glide performance and the abilty to take off on your own. 20 m double-seater gliders with a self-launch engine are very populare. ▶︎ More details about the TwinShark: [ad] ▶︎ Kerl Eyewear: [ad] ▶︎ Veronica Flying: [ad] Created by Jonathan Steinhoff and Stefan Langer __________________________________ ✈️ Get TWO MONTHS of Skysight weather forecast for free if you buy the annual subscription. SkySight: (only available for new customers)* ✈️ The best value for money glide computer: ✈️ Camera equipment I use: * ✈️ Get 5% discount on products from SoaringXX with the code “powerofnature“: * __________________________________ My supporters
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