“This is My Gift, this is my curse, this IS MY LIFE. Who am I? Im Spiderman!“
A music Video about the Life of a teenager whos life has been turned upside down by a radioactive spiderbite. We all know with great power comes really riddiculous villiains to come and ruin the party. Watch as Peter Parker fights and defeats the Green Goblin, Doc OCk, the sandman, and the ever so vicious Venom. I picked this song Its My Life by Bon JOvi because I love the song, but I always thought it would make a great music video for Peter Parker AKA Spiderman. I saw other people have already made it, so Im guess im just putting in my 2 cents on how I would make the vid. ;)
Hope you enjoy and thank you for watching.
All clips Copyright of Columbia Pictures and Marvel Comics
Music By: BON JOVI “Iits MY Life“