30 минут на слух l УЧИМ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК

Вы можете пройти наши уроки аудирования в любое время и в любом месте - все, что вам нужно, это доступ к интернету и наушники. 00:00 - Вступительная часть 00:28 - Why can’t you be more like your sister? Diligent, reliable 01:28 - You’re diligent, driven, yet happy in your work. My father always said, if a job’s not worth doing well, it’s not worth doing 03:02 - I’m feeling diligent, focused 03:38 - By all accounts, Dave was a sweet, diligent, hardworking little boy 05:24 - We’re smart, resilient 06:28 - I think it made me a lot stronger and more resilient 07:08 - Kids are resilient. And they are lucky to have you. Thank you 08:03 - Look, son, if I’m hard on you, it’s only ‘cause I want you to grow up strong and resilient 09:06 - I know the duties I assign you are trivial, but they’re crucial 10:06 - I’ve decided to make all trivial decisions with a throw of the dice 10:53 - Every time you date a girl with actual potential, you wind up ruining it over some
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