CS:GO roster answers your questions from social media. B O N D E D. The boys EXTREMUM CS GO
EXTREMUM CS:GO roster answers your questions from social media.
Moving to EU region, the secret of Jay’s attractiveness, offers that the boys got before EXTREMUM, Hansel and his feelings about the team, IGN stories, goals for the future and Pepsi Max. All these questions were asked by you and answered by EXTREMUM CS:GO roster.
00:00 - Intro
00:40 - What makes Liazz so sexy?
01:11 - Did you know that the results wouldn’t come
without putting in the time?
01:41 - Which roster is your biggest enemy right now?
02:35 - Questions for BnTeT
03:56 - What are the obstacles you guys have had to overcome from the transition NA to EU?
04:40 - How do you like the new place, new city, new boot camp and environment in general?
05:24 - What is your favorite team to play against?
05:55 - What motivates you for a comeback?
06:52 - Jkaem, will you ever stream again?
07:53 - What is like playing with a highly similar lineup just without JKS and with me, BnТeТ what are your goals for the future?
08:30 - Questio