MUFON CASE : 116639 Glendale, Arizona ( July 2, 2021 )

inc : 116464 Lumby, Canada : Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Red and Blue Flying saucer that appears to change shapes, but could be blurring? Long Description of Sighting Report Saw black speck hovering up high in the sky and zoomed in on it and recorded a red and blue colored saucer type event. Tried to put camera on tripod and by that time, the object was gone. Date Submitted : 2021-07-02 Date of Event : 2021-07-02 10:56AM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : VIDEO 2 : MUFON CASE : 116464 : Lumby, Canada I have seen this a couple of times within the last weeks. Long Description of Sighting Report I have been seeing this for the past few weeks. Randomly. It’s after the sun has gone down completely. Date Submitted : 2021-06-24 Date of Event : 2021-06-23 9:38PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES : : * THANKS FOR WATCHIN
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