Rivers of Nihil - Terrestria IV: Work (Instrumental)

Buy here: Stream on @Spotify: RIVERS OF NIHIL has never fit neatly into a box, but with 2018’s “Where Owls Know My Name,“ they transcended all labels applied to them. Returning in 2021 with “The Work,“ they forged further into new territory, delivering an album that was as cerebral as it was visceral, and that covers a staggering sonic range, definitively placing them in a category of their own. With the first track penned in the fall of 2018, while the band were touring on …Owls…, the writing process for “The Work“ was long, lasting well into 2020. Even before the music industry shutdown that happened concurrently with the Covid pandemic, the band intended to take most of 2020 off to focus on writing, meaning that their schedule was not disrupted. Guitarist Brody Uttley describes the final product as a “Sound World,“ a term coined
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