Presentation of Belarus
This video presentation was created for the International Festival at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) in 2008. The video contains a slide-show of pictures accompanied by a song “Tam za chalmom“ (“There, Over the Hill“) by “Stary Olsa.“
© 2009 Zmicier
Беларусь, Biełaruś, Belarus, Białoruś, Белоруссия, Белорусь, Білорусь, Weißrussland, Biélorussie, Bielorussia, Byelorussia, Belorussia, Baltarusija, Gudija, Baltarosėjė, Baltkrievija, Valgevene, Bělorusko, Bielorusko, Bielorrusia, Ruthenia A