Does getting tired increase your risk for hypothermia?

Shivering relies on muscles contracting and generating heat. What happens if you perform hard exercise and your muscles get tired? Does your shivering reduce and do you get cold faster? Created by Stephen Cheung, Ph.D., Director of the Environmental Ergonomics Lab and Professor at Brock University (). Papers discussed: Tikusis P, MB DuCharme, D Moroz, I Jacobs. Physiological responses of exercise-fatigued individuals exposed to wet-cold conditions. J Appl Physiol 86(4)1319-1328, 1999. Haman F, OL Mantha, SS Cheung, et al. Oxidative fuel selection and shivering thermogenesis during a 12- and 24-h cold-survival simulation. J Appl Physiol 120(6):640-648, 2016 Graphic created using . Photo by Renee Desgagnés on Unsplash
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