Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 86
보천보전자악단 제86집
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №86
01) [00:00] Soldiers Sing of Our Supreme Commander / 병사들은 노래하네 우리의 최고사령관
02) [02:35] Footsteps of Soldiers / 병사의 발자욱
03) [05:31] They’ll Tell about the Soldier’s Love / 말해주리 병사의 사랑을
04) [09:39] Merry Laughter / 웃음꽃 폈네
05) [12:09] My Youngest Grandson Is a Pilot / 막내손자 비행사라네
06) [15:10] Which Division Are You from? / 몇사단 출신인가요
07) [18:05] The Ex-Soldier Who Have Come to Taehongdan / 대홍단에 달려온 어제날 병사
08) [21:03] Our Satellite Flies High in the Air / 우리네 위성이 하늘에 떴소
09) [23:40] My Country Is So Nice / 내 조국 한없이 좋아라
10) [26:21] Whenever the First Snow Falls / 첫눈이 내릴 때면
11) [30:59] Ours Is a Family of Soldiers / 우리 집은 군인가정
12) [34:23] When Soldiers Pass along Streets / 병사가 거리를 지날 때
13) [36:37] Soldiers Call Me Mother / 병사들은 나를 보고 어머니래요
14) [39:40] The Motherland Calls Us / 어머니조국은 부른다
15) [41:48] Daughters of Pyongyang / 평양의 딸들
16) [44:19] Keeping Pace with Martial Song / 군가에 발을 맞추자
17) [47:30] Let’s Sing of Our Pride in Being under the General’s Leadership / 장군님 모신 자랑 노래부르자
01. Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk
02. Female solo and male chorus behind the stage - Hyon Song Wol
03. Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Kim Un Suk
04. Female solo - Jon Hye Yong
05. Female solo - Jo Kum Hwa
06. Female trio and male chorus behind the stage
07. Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui
08. Female solo and male chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
09. Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk
10. Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa
11. Female solo and female chorus behind the stage - Kim Jong Nyo
12. Female trio male chorus behind the stage
13. Female solo - Kim Jong Nyo
14. Female solo and mixed chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa
15. Female solo - Kim Jong Nyo
16. Female solo and male chorus behind the stage - Yun Hye Yong
17. Female quintet and chorus behind the stage
It is not original copy of the CD. It is the result of searching of the songs from the web (according the information from the catalogue).
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