’Someday’ | Morrissey’s New Opening Act

Subscribe to #PETA: . 🔔Turn on ALL push notifications 🔔 Every year, 8 billion chickens are orphaned, stuffed into severely crowded sheds, and trucked to slaughter. “Someday,“ a new video created by PETA and animated by Anna Saunders, is scheduled to be featured on rock icon Morrissey’s nationwide tour. The video takes viewers on a harrowing journey as they witness—through the eyes of one terrified bird—the typical experience of chickens raised for meat. Will our young chick survive what 8 billion chickens each year cannot? PETA’s mission statement is that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way: The website the meat industry doesn’t want you to see: How to go vegan: PETA Saves: PETA: FAQs: ht
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