TOP 20 SAND Sculptures | Best of the Year Quantastic

Love chilling at the beach and playing with the sand? Remember those days of building epic sand castles as a kid? Well, check out this compilation we whipped up for you. It’s all about the crazy, cool art people make with sand. Meet the awesome creators behind these masterpieces – they’re practically museum-worthy! Enjoy the vibes! Check Out These Amazing Artists: Thumbnail image 1: ANDONI BASTARRIKA Instagram: Facebook: Giant foot sand sculpture created by Andoni. Very smooth and detailed with texture. He is a Spanish sand sculptor based in Azpeitia, specializing in realistic sand sculptures of animals and the human body. Check his social media for more amazing creations. Thumbnail image 2: Quantastic creation Check out this impressive sand sculpture of The Rock. Our team believes this thumbnail is suitable for the sand video, as h
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