& Setup\
0:00 Welcome to the Course
2:56 React at a Glance
7:00 What You Should Already Know
8:19 Environment Setup
11:26 Using the Course Files
13:04 Using React with a CDN
18:12 Making a React Component
22:51 JSX & Templates
26:42 Template Expressions & Variables
31:28 Click Events & Event Handlers
37:35 Making a React Site (create-react-app)
41:31 Project Structure Walkthrough
48:54 Running the Application
53:30 Using Images
57:04 Using Stylesheets
to State & useState\
1:00:23 Why We Need State
1:07:37 Using the useState Hook
1:14:28 How State & Rendering Works
1:19:19 Outputting Lists
1:27:37 Using the Previous State
1:37:14 Conditional Templates
1:44:07 useState Limitations
& Props\
1:45:43 Using Mutliple Components
1:47:22 Creating a Title Component
1:52:53 Intro to Props
1:58:44 React Fragments
2:02:31 Children Prop (Making a Modal Component)
2:10:17 Functions as Props
2:15:13 CHALLENGE - Showing the Modal
2:17:41 Portals
2:21:32 CHALLENGE - Reusable Event List Component
2:28:26 Class Components Overview
React Applications\
2:31:12 Using Global Stylesheets
2:34:22 Component Stylesheets
2:40:59 Using Inline Styles
2:44:20 Dynamic Inline Styles
2:46:56 Conditional CSS Classes
2:49:43 CSS Modules
Input & Events\
2:56:05 Forms & Labels in React
3:03:21 The onChange Event
3:09:37 Controlled Inputs
3:15:13 Submitting Forms (onSubmit)
3:21:33 Adding Events to the Event List
3:28:09 Using the useRef Hook
3:34:41 Select Boxes
Data & useEffect\
3:40:03 New Project & JSON Server
3:47:04 Why We Need useEffect
3:55:23 Fetching Data with useEffect
4:03:11 The useEffect Dependency Array
4:12:36 useCallback for Function Dependencies
4:21:05 Creating a Custom Fetch Hook
4:35:08 Adding a Loading_Pending State
4:39:33 Handling Errors
4:48:16 Why We Need a Cleanup Function
4:52:55 Aborting Fetch Requests
4:58:40 useEffect Gotcha - Infinite Loops
BUILD - Memory Game\
5:04:56 Project Preview & Setup
5:10:38 Setting up & Shuffling Cards
5:18:43 Creating a Card Grid
5:23:01 CHALLENGE - Creating a Card Component
5:27:12 Making Card Choices
5:33:08 CHALLENGE - Comparing Choices
5:40:23 Adding a ’matched’ Property to Cards
5:46:20 Flipping Cards
5:55:18 Flipping Animation (CSS)
5:57:38 Making Cards _disabled_
6:02:41 Finishing Touches
React Router\
6:06:33 Multi-Page React Sites
6:12:13 React Router Setup
6:19:12 Switch & Exact Match
6:25:15 Links & Nav Links
6:32:30 Fetching Data
6:39:54 Route Parameters
6:46:29 The useParams Hook
6:53:20 Programmatic Redirects
6:59:01 Redirect Component
7:01:30 Query Parameters
BUILD - Recipe Directory\
7:06:53 Project Preview & Setup
7:13:32 Router & Pages Setup
7:19:50 Making a Navbar Component
7:24:43 Fetching Data
7:29:24 Recipe List Component
7:39:09 CHALLENGE - Fetching a Single Recipe
7:44:26 Recipe Details Template
7:49:30 Making a _Create Recipe_ Form
7:58:10 Adding Multiple Ingredients
8:10:45 Making a POST Request
8:23:19 CHALLENGE - Redirecting the User
8:27:01 Making a Search Bar Component
8:34:13 Search Results Page
8:42:29 Finishing Touches
Context & Reducers\
8:45:50 Prop Drilling
8:48:26 What is the Context API_
8:51:20 Creating a Context & Provider
8:58:55 Accessing Context Values
9:02:34 Creating a Custom Context Hook
9:08:23 Reducers & useReducer
9:22:20 Making a Color Theme Selector
9:32:57 Light & Dark Mode Selector
9:45:19 Styling Light & Dark Modes
9:52:00 What is Firebase_
9:55:31 Firestore Databases
10:00:35 Connecting to Firebase
10:07:46 Fetching a Firestore Collection
10:19:33 Fetching a Firestore Document
10:29:11 Adding Firestore Data
10:35:03 Deleting Firestore Data
10:40:39 Real-Time Collection Data
10:48:27 Updating Documents
10:53:07 Real-Time Document Data
BUILD - Finance Tracker (with Firebase Authentication)\
10:57:38 Project Preview & Setup
11:00:56 CHALLENGE - Creating Pages & Routes
11:06:13 Creating a Navbar
11:10:56 Making the Login Form
11:18:15 CHALLENGE - Making the Signup Form
11:23:10 Firebase Setup
11:26:58 Firebase Authentication Setup
11:31:01 Creating a Signup Hook
11:42:15 Using the Signup Hook
11:51:25 Creating an Auth Context
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