Love Heals.. ❤

Those who’ve been following my page for a while may remember Robert. Someone had applied pesticides to their garden, and Robert ate it and got poisoned. By chance, I was passing by when I heard his painful screams and saw him shaking unconsciously..😔 I barely got him to the vet on time, he was in a coma for a while, he looked pretty much dead, his eyes couldn’t see either.. He received a lengthy treatment, recovered, got his vision back, and started playing and eating.. After he fully recovered, I found a home for Robert so that he wouldn’t live on the streets.. Earlier today, I talked to Ms. Gülşah who had adopted him.. She sent me new photos of him.. Look at how beautiful he’s become with love, how he’s grown up and turned into a big cat.  I was so happy to see his latest state and I wanted to share it with you too.. 🥲❤❤ #loveheals . Sayfamı çok uzun zamandır takip edenler hatırlar belki Robert’ı.Birisi evinin bah
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