Building An “Electric Piano“

Building An “Electric Piano“ Keybed: Fatar TP/100LR Pianoteq on Raspberry Pi 400 Thought about buying a Crumar Seven so I could put a Hammond SK1 on top, but eventually decided to build my own. 4 of my favorite Pianoteq EP sounds and 1 upright patch, along with all the controls I need to adjust on the fly. Even a dimwit can see this is a much more PRACTICAL alternative to bringing and setting up a tiered keyboard stand, PC, charger, laptop stand, midi controller, and browsing through your settings with a trackpad at every single gig ;) No, it’s not a true electric piano, hence the quote marks. @deancoyle is slowly and steadily building one, check him out. If you want to run Pianoteq on a RBPi, there are plenty of guides on the Modartt forums. Tweak according to your taste :) Similar builds and useful resources here: https://pianoclack.
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