Английский язык 4 класс (Урок№23 - Travelling is fun.)

Английский язык 4 класс Урок№23 - Travelling is fun. мы узнаем: названия некоторых стран; мы научимся: рассказывать о них, их традициях и национальных костюмах; мы сможем: правильно описывать фотографии в Present Continuous. Today you will learn to describe pictures of different countries! You will visit Scotland, Greece and its capital Athens, Spain and Japan! Finally we will fly to India! Look! This is Scotland. There are many green parks and hills in the picture. Look at the man! He is wearing a traditional Scottish skirt – kilt. He is playing the bagpipe – a national musical instrument! I want to visit Scotland and to play the bagpipe! This is Greece. Greece is a country where you can see a lot of ancient cities. Athens is the capital of Greece. There is a famous and popular place for tourists! It is Acropolis! This is Spain. Spain is a country where you can see сorrida. Corrida is a bullfighting. There is
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