#PhonkMonster#phonk #monster#garou
Good? Evil? I reject both them | Phonk Music 2023
Screw justice and Screw evil too. I’m gonna be killed simply because that’s what everyone else wants. It’s not fair. I can’t stand it. It pisses me off. All i want is to make them understand i’m here to fight for underdogs everywhere. Good? Evil? I reject them both.
🔴 Youtube: @PhonkMonster888
🟢 Spotify:
🟡 Anime: One Punch Man
00:06 Dxrk ダーク - RAVE
02:55 Kordhell - FATALITY
05:05 Kordhell - Murder In My Mind
07:25 MoonDeity - NEON BLADE
11:51 MoonDeity, Phonk Killer - DEATH DAGGER
15:24 Kordhell - MURDER PLOT
17:24 MoonDeity - FIGHT!
19:47 EL$E - Dark Pact
21:52 Pharmacist - OVERDO$E
24:52 PLA
2 months ago 03:55:59 2
“I Am Your Shield“ God Says - God’s Blessings Will Fill Your Life Eliminate All Evil Around