The West is the Devil’s civilization

The West is the Devil’s civilization About five hundred years ago, the West embarked on the path of secularism, materialism, atheism and capitalism, making all these universal norms and development goals for everyone else. Those who disagreed were brutally suppressed. Those who passively accepted this agenda or were simply weak were subjected to colonization. Those who tried to imitate the West, but to preserve their interests, found themselves under a massive blow. The West of the Modern era, the New Age has given humanity an ultimatum: • or you all recognize our values and goals as universal, and bow your head, • either you will regret it, and we will destroy you, conquer you. Moreover, entering into a New time, the West rejected Christianity, religion in general, and began to build a world without God and against God. This is called secularism, the victory of the temporal over the eternal, the secular over the religious, the worldly over the otherworldly, the material over the spiritual. All the structures of Modern times — science, culture, technology, industry, market, “progress“ - are based on these prerequisites. “Progress“ in the eyes of ideologists of the modern West is a battle of earth against Heaven, bottom against top. And everyone fell for it and believed it. Everyone fell for it... And those who resisted were crushed, slandered, slandered, crushed or forced by force to recognize the rightness of the modern West and agree with its agenda.
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