Suddha Nrittam - Duet by Bhairavi Venkatesan & Kameshweri Ganesan - SDN - Bharathanatyam Dance

Suddha Nrittam was performed by Bhairavi Venkatesan & Kameshweri Ganesan on February 24, 2024 under the auspices of Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha. Suddha Nrittam Adi Talam Composer: Laya Tapasvi Dr Guru Bharadwaaj Choreography: Dr Sheela Unnikrishnan Suddha Nrittam- a classic creation of Mahaguru Mangudi Dorairaja Iyer- an engaging dialogue between the Mridangam and the dancer’s anklets. Attempting to emulate the pattern devised by the Mahaguru, we present Suddha Nrittam today- composed by Mridanga Vidwan Sri Guru Bharadwaaj. Since the five Jaathis will be presented in detail, this piece extends up to a time span of more than 15 minutes. Our copyright policies on SDN’s productions: Since SDN is run by SRIDEVI NRITHYALAYA TRUST, all the productions of SDN, be it music or dance, become intellectual property of the Trust. Sridevi Nrithyalaya Trust (SDNT) owns all the productions and will not allow anyone to download or use SDN videos/audios, even it is
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