Clapham And Dwyer (1931)

Comic routine on a golf course from comedy team Clapham and Dwyer. Full titles read: “And now to proceed to another famous pair - Clapham & Dwyer, when we met the other day having a spot of bother in a spot of golf.“ Location of events unknown. M/S of a man in golfing gear, standing with his caddy on the teeing off area of a golf course. Another man enters as the first man is about to hit the ball, says “How are you Granddad?“ and kisses the golfer on the forehead. He says he’d like to play too and is told to get a driver; he comes back with a chauffeur. The first man says he meant a club; so the second man returns with a caddy. Taking a golf club he tries to hit the ball, missing it completely the first time. On the second try he lets go of the club which flies off behind them - he kicks the ball in anger then says “Ooh, look what I’ve done now!“ (abrupt cut - seems he has really done something bad!) The first man goes off to look for his club, the second looks for his ball. When they find
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