Cymatics Experiment 1Hz - 10Hz square wave sound visualization

Cymatics is the visual study of the effects of sound vibrations and frequencies on different mediums like water, oils, powders, and pretty much everything you can imagine. This video is an attempt to show you the beauty of cymatics, and an exploration of its effects. What you’re looking at is a plastic tray filled with water, glued to the top of a speaker. Reflections of light on the surface of the water, when frequency/music is played, create what’s called cymatic glyphs - beautiful, intricate geometric patterns. Each frequency creates a different glyph. The higher the frequency, the more intricate the pattern gets. You will find spirals, triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, etc., when looking at these patterns, but if you look more carefully, you can see 3d objects as well. As with everything in nature, there is a deep connection between cymatics and sacred geometry. Hi, again people! I played with small frequencies between 1-10 Hz this time. I had to use a square wave as m
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