Songs about Kliment Voroshilov

Born as a locksmith from Luhansk, Kliment Yefremovich Voroshilov became one of the original Marshals of the Soviet Union, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, Minister of Defence and a good comrade of Stalin. He fought in the Southern Front of the Russian Civil War and the Great Patriotic war. 00:00 - Крепок Сталинскою волей (Strong by Stalin’s will) 02:42 - Песня о Климе Ворошилове (Song about Kliment Voroshilov) 05:26 - Voroshilov March 11:21 - Letter to Voroshilov 13:29 - Cossack’s song 16:22 - Марш Буденного (Budyonny March) 18:00 - If tomorrow brings war 20:45 - Марш Советских Танкистов (March of the Soviet tankists) 22:54 - (Continuation version) 25:03 - Song for Voroshilov/Echelon’s song 28:07 - Song for Voroshilov/Echelon’s song (older version) 31:34 - Song about Voroshilov (2) 34:42 - Песня о Луганском слесаре (Song about Luhansk locksmith) 37:53 Крепок Сталинскою волей (Strong by Stalin’s will) (2) This is my first time making a collection of songs, so pardon me if I have duplicate
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