Bad Outfit for 0 Gravity | Short Comic Animation #192

Prepare for a cosmic adventure like no other in this comic spotlight featuring M’Ress from Star Trek, as she navigates the challenges of zero gravity aboard the starship. Join us as we delve into a delightful mix of humor, problem-solving, and a touch of wardrobe embarrassment that makes this comic a must-read for fans and newcomers alike. In this hilarious comic, we follow M’Ress, our feline protagonist, as she encounters shipwide malfunctions with the artificial gravity. Ever resourceful and quick-witted, she informs the crew about the situation, showcasing her expertise and adaptability. However, the twist in the tale comes when M’Ress realizes that her uniform isn’t ideal for zero gravity, leading to some unexpected and amusing revelations that will have you chuckling along. As the zero gravity situation unfolds, we witness M’Ress’s ingenuity and problem-solving skills as she navigates the ship, dealing with the quirks of floating through space. The comic combines the
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