Royal Anthem of the Kingdom of France (Ancien Régime): Vive Henri IV! (with lyrics)

(Turn on Youtube subtitles for English subtitles) “Marche Henri IV“ or “Vive Henri IV“ is a popular French song celebrating King Henry IV of France. It served as the anthem of the French Monarchy. The melody comes from Thoinot Arbeau’s work Orchesographie; it is the Branle Couppé “Cassandre“, while the lyrics were written for a comedy opera in 1770. At later dates, more lyrics were added to the song and refers to the first Bourbon King of France, Henry IV (Henry III of Navarre), who had ended the Wars of Religion and restored peace to France. Additional lyrics supporting either the Revolutionary or Restorationist causes were sung during the course of the French Revolution. FRANÇAIS: Vive Henri IV ! est une chanson qui a été écrite en l’honneur d’Henri IV et qui a été durablement populaire en France. La musique a été composée par Thoinot Arbeau et les paroles ont été écrites en 1770 dans
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