Royal Tournament (1925)

Item title reads - The Royal Tournament. King and Queen pay official visit - Marshal Foch, who was specially invited, enjoyed wonderful display. Olympia, London. L/S as Marshal Foch and other officers walk down a line of Guards stood to attention. L/S as a few soldiers in tricorn hats pull a cannon, they are followed by men carrying the cannon balls. M/S of Marshal Foch sat on a balcony between King George V and Queen Mary. M/S of soldiers in white uniforms riding on horses pulling a gun carriage. M/S of King George chatting to Marshal Foch while Queen Mary watches the display. M/S of oxen pulling a large gun carriage, a man whips them as they go by, they are followed by soldiers marching. M/S of the royal party again. L/S as the camera pans across the soldiers and cannons. L/S of the royal party, Marshal Foch speaks to the Queen, and the King stands up and shakes the Marshal’s hand before they all move off. M/S of Marshal Foch chatting to the Queen again, they all applaud the displays and w
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