[ 4K Ultra HD ]桜に集う小鳥たち Small birds gathering to a Cherry tree (Shot on RED EPIC)

東京 浅草の隅田公園では、早咲きの大寒桜(オオカンザクラ)が一足先に見頃を迎えます。 大寒桜(オオカンザクラ)には春を待ちわびた小鳥たち(スズメ、ヒヨドリ、メジロ)が数多く集まります。 Cherry Blossoms of early flowering is now in full bloom at Sumida park in ASAKUSA,TOKYO. Many small birds will come together to cherry tree. [ 4K Ultra HD ]メジロと大寒桜 Japanese-White-Eye with Cherry Blossoms (Shot on RED EPIC) https
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