The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury (June Carter)

The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury Read by June Carter Originally issued by NLS on cassette in 1997 Bonus! I think that’s enough Bradbury for now. Also, I’m sure there are some people sick of short stories. I’m not exactly sure what will be up next but I have a few options. “On Halloween night, eight boys arrange to meet their friend, Pipkin, at the haunted house outside of town. Before the others reach him, though, Pipkin is grabbed by a dark Something.“ Chapter list: 00:00:00 - (i) Book info 00:02:50 - (01) 00:09:23 - (02) 00:14:03 - (03) 00:19:04 - (04) 00:28:37 - (05) 00:42:02 - (06) 00:46:18 - (07) 00:53:14 - (08) 00:59:23 - (09) 01:04:56 - (10) 01:17:32 - (11) 01:23:01 - (12) 01:30:46 - (13) 01:38:45 - (14) 01:49:30 - (15) 01:56:49 - (16) 02:02:15 - (17) 02:11:53 - (18) 02:29:01 - (19) Like these books? Want to help? These books come from the National Library Services. I encourage you to donate:
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