They Want You To Fail... This Is How You Keep Them From Winning | Patrick Bet David

Join My weekly Zoom calls: In this episode, Patrick and Brad discover what the business plan is for you and how the books Patrick wrote can get you there. This conversation is one for the books, don’t miss it and make sure you take notes. Patrick’s amazing story starts with his family immigrating to America when he was 10 years old. His parents fled Iran as refugees during the Iranian revolution and were eventually granted U.S. citizenship. After high school Patrick joined the U.S. military and served in the 101st Airborne before starting a business career in the financial services industry. After a tenure with a couple of traditional companies, he was inspired to launch PHP Agency Inc., an insurance sales, marketing and distribution company – and did so before he turned 30. Valuetainment, Patricks brainchild, exists to teach about the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and personal development while inspiring people to break from limiting beliefs or other co
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