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This is my version of the lullaby from “Ronja Rövardotter / Ronia the robbers daugther“ written by our most loved Swedish writer, Astrid Lindgren , whose books have been read all over the world. This song from the movie has always been very dear to me.
For a long time now I wanted to make my own version of it, and make some small changes in the melody. What do you think? :)
I really hope you will enjoy my version of this song!
The Swedish lyrics and translation can be found both further down here in the description, or in the subtitles of the video.
Text: Astrid Lindgren
Original song/music by: Björn Isfält
If you want to listen to the original song “Vargsången“ you can find the link here:
► Lyrics in Swedish English translation (Text: Astrid Lindgren)
Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Han vill men kan inte sova
(He wants to, but cannot sleep)
Hungern river i hans varga buk
(The hunger tears his wolven stomach)
Och det är kallt i hans stova
(And it’s cold in his burrow)
Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don’t you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)
Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Ylar av hunger o klagar
(Howling out of hunger and moaning)
Men jag ska ge’n en grisa svans
(But I will give him a pig tail)
Sånt passar i varga magar
(Which suits a wolven stomach)
Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don’t you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
( I will never let you take my child)
...(First verse again)
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