The situation in the direction of Chasov Yar

The situation in the direction of Chasov Yar. The situation remains difficult, the enemy is pulling reserves from all sectors of the front to their detriment, transferring them to Chasov Yar. This is due to the fact that this city, after the fall of Avdiivka and the outbreak of fighting in Krasnohorivka, is given the utmost importance. Firstly, this is the dominant height on the entire Donetsk Ridge. Secondly, the capture of Chasy Yar opens up further routes for the advance of our troops to Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, Konstantinovka and Druzhkovka - to an entire agglomeration of cities. That is why, in order to prevent a breakthrough of our troops, all possible reserves are being brought up. Our command, anticipating the enemy’s plan, is delaying the moment of assault, focusing on grinding down reserves. Army, front-line and tactical aviation are involved. Artillery and hail are working, Tosy. The enemy’s radio interceptions indicate the depressing moral and psychological state of... Source: Victor vicktop55
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