Man of a Thousand Faces è una canzone del gruppo musicale dei Marillion ed è tratta dall’ album This Strange Engine pubblicato nel 1997.
Ecco il testo.
I’m the man of a thousand faces
A little piece of me in every part I take
I hold the tape for a thousand races
A different point of view in every speech I make
Cut me a piece of my divided soul
Cry me a river, call it rock and roll
Give me an attitude and watch me make it lie
Pass me a microphone
I need to testify
Well I speak to machines with the voice of humanity
Speak to the wise with the voice of insanity
Speak to the present in the past and future tense
Speak to a slave with the voice of obedience
I’m the man of a thousand ages
You see my face in the stones of the Parthenon
You hear my song in the babble of Babylon
I’m the man of a thousand riches
Be my guest at the feast of Satyricon
You spend the money that my logo’s printed on
Well I’ll speak to machines with the voice of humanity
Speak to the wise with the voice of insanity
Speak to the present in the past and future tense
Speak to a slave with the voice of obedience
I stole a fire but it burned up much too soon
I took a leap and I landed on the moon
Look at my life and it looks like CNN
You see something once
You know it’s gonna come around again
Well I’ll speak to machines with the voice of humanity
Speak to the wise with the voice of insanity
Speak to a woman with the fatal charm of a snake
Forgive like a giver and account for all I take
Yes, I speak to machines with the voice of humanity
Speak to the wise with the voice of insanity
Speak like a leader with the voice of power and command
And when I talk to God I know he’ll understand
Cause I’m the man of a thousand faces
Yes I’m the man of a thousand faces
I stole a fire but it burned up too much too soon
I took a leap and I landed on the moon
Voice of command
Voice of a snake
Voice of humanity
Voice of insanity
Voice of obedience
Thousand faces
Thousand races
Cry me a river
Steal a fire
Face in the stars
Stones in the Parthenon
Babble of Babylon
Landed on the moon
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