Ray McCallum • Highlight

In the late 70’s and early 80’s, Raymond McCallum and I (Keith Vitali) were the top two nationally-rated point-fighters in the US. While I barely maintained the top position, everyone knew on any given Saturday, Raymond could defeat anyone with his incredible versatile style of fighting. Raymond McCallum was the most spectacular fighter on our circuit; much more exciting to watch than any of the rest of us. All of the top fighters would stand by his ring every chance we got just to watch him execute some incredible move that would have all of us, his own peers, literally going wild over. It was only moments later that the reality would set in; that one of us would have to fight him that day. I personally saw Raymond McCallum execute 3 different moves while fighting in one major tournament that I truly believe have never been attempt by another in tournament fighting. He was incredibly electric in the ring and I was one of his greatest fans. Raymond actually made me a better fighter by forcing me
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