Innovative DIY (Do It Yourself) Board Game - ©

Discover the complete tutorial on Amaze your family and friends and create unique moments of joy together. Hyperlaps © can be played with 2, 3 or 4 players. Each player has a Bluetooth gamepad in his hands composed of a joystick, a push-button and a 10-LED bargraph displaying the score. By using the joystick, you can make the ships slide left and right. By pressing the push-button on the gamepad, the front bumper can be activated to eject the ball. Once the ball falls, it passes through a laser, which automatically removes a point from the receiving player. The last player with points left wins the game. WHY CREATE MY OWN GAME? Once the tutorial is completed, you will have a robust, time-tested game that you can play for years and years. And if unfortunately your game encounters a problem in the future, it will not be thrown away like most of our devices today. NO! your game will be easily repairable and without needing a third party because everything has been thought for it to be and the good news is that the person who will fix it, it is YOU because it is not just any game, it is YOUR game and as a creator, you will perfectly know how it works! All we hope is that your game will go through the generations, meet your family and friends around your Hyperlaps© and watch them smile once the controller is in their hands.
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