Fencing Blade Drills You Can Practice At Home - 400 Touches Saber Drill

In this video, I demonstrate a saber blade drill called 400 touches. This is part 2 of an 8 part video series on Fencing Blade Drills You Can Practice At Home. 50 - Touches to the Head (5 line) returning your arm to the en garde position after each touch. First 25 touches should be done slow. Last 25 touches should be done fast. 50 - Touches to the Head (5 line) with your arm fully extended. Using only your fingers and wrist to make continuous, light, fast, tapping touches without returning your arm to en garde. 50 - Touches to the Flank (3 line) returning your arm to the en garde position after each touch. First 25 touches should be done slow. Last 25 touches should be done fast. 50 - Touches to the Flank (3 line) with your arm fully extended. Using only your fingers and wrist to make continuous, light, fast, tapping touches without returning your arm to the en garde position. 50 - Touches to the Belly (4 line) returning your arm to the en garde position after each touc
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