MIT: Machine Learning , Lecture 6 (Fall 2020)

* Lecture 6 for the MIT course : Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall 2020 Semester) * Full lecture information and slides: * Lecture date: 2020 / 10 / 06 * Lecturer: Tamara Broderick * Lecture TAs: Crystal Wang and Satvat Jagwani If you find any ways to improve how well the video captions reflect the live lectures, please submit a pull request to: 0:00:00 Overview & Review of linear classification 0:06:39 New features: step functions! 0:21:07 New notation for neural network layers 0:38:08 Function graph representation of neural networks 0:50:44 Putting neural networks in our class’s typical problem setup 0:55:34 Different activation functions 1:00:47 Implications of choices of activation function 1:04:50 Learning the parameters 1:18:22 More layers!
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