Английский язык 9 класс (Урок№14 - Describing creatures.)

Английский язык 9 класс Урок№14 - Describing creatures. • You will learn about mythical creatures. • You will learn how to describe different creatures. • You will learn about the difference in meaning among the verbs of seeing. Ключевые слова: mythical creatures, report sightings, humped back, long tail, snake-like head, survive horrifying, approach, giant tentacles, sharp hooks, across, a violent whirlpool, hairy, extinct ape, unfortunately, so far, catch a glimpse of, glance, glare, notice, spot, stare. Пояснения: Освоение тематической лексики по теме «Вселенная и человек. Природа: удивительные создания»: mythical creatures, report sightings, humped back, long tail, snake-like head, survive horrifying, approach, giant tentacles, sharp hooks, across, a violent whirlpool, hairy, extinct ape, unfortunately, so far. Различие в употреблении глаголов смотрения: catch a glimpse of, glance, glare, notice, spot, stare.
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