Love is love. How to use syringe anal lubricant with your lover

“Love is a responsibility COKELIFE all the doctors and engineers devote to mens’ care and free love“ How to use 5ml*10pcs syringe anal lubricant with your lover? the box and tear the inner bag the small rear cover the long tube cover at the front the long tube cover into the rear end the long tube cover is inserted into the rear end, gently squeeze it for use the lubricating fluid around the rear courtyard to enjoy the collision of basic emotions There are live streaming to tell you how to choose the precise packaging tonight. COKELIFE lubrication factory director online one-stop service for you. You can know: 1 how to select the right bio tech factory? 2 how to choose the water based lubricant, silicone lubricant, CBD lube? 3 what is the plan? Live streaming time: CHINA Beijing Time 2022-06-15 22:00:00(US time: 2022-06-15 07:00:00) Live streaming link: If you have any inquiry, kindly contact us or give us like and comment. COKELIFE Customer service are always here for yout best service.
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